2012年5月30日 星期三

Coin Man 對 PM's High Relief Coin Mintage 的見解

Blog友(Tiger) 在SPC 問Coin Man 對 Mintage of 翠鳥HR (10,000) and Kangaroo HR (20,000) 的見解.

從PM's Blog - "High relief silver - a popular new coin genre to collect" 可以看到一些眉目.

請Blog友(Tiger) 細看文章下的Comment, 可以估到為什麼翠鳥HR的Mintage 是10,000.

Coin Collector 在PM's Blog suggest PM to do followings to increase the popularity of the HR coin.
(1) Increase the diameter of the high relief coin;
(2) Reduce mintage;
(3) Lower the price / Premium.

對於(suggestion 1), 好難做到, 因為HR 是厚過普通幣, 如果要做到和普通幣的diameter, 其Silver 的份量一定多過1OZ. 但如果HR Coin 開始流行, 需求大, 2OZ 和5OZ 的HR Coin 可能出現.現在會出的機會比較細.

對於(suggestion 3), PM 不會做, 因為沒有需要 Lower the selling price.

PM 可以做的決定是 -> Reduce Mintage.

如果翠鳥HR今次大買, 下次出的Koala HR Mintage 可能會是(20000), 不會是(10000).
但如果Koala HR Mintage set at (10000),  大有可能翠鳥HR今次的出貨量是一般.
2012 Kangaroo HR Coin, Coin Man 估Mintage (20000) -> (不變)
Lunar (Snake) HR Mintage 估(7500)  -> (不變)

大家再看看近來的 "This Week Best Seller" 是
> 1 ) Australian Kookaburra 2012 HRC
> 2) Pheidippidis' Marathon Run HRC


6 則留言:

  1. Thanks,
    我是小戶^_^ 翠鳥HR我有打算買2隻收藏,所以請教下你,you are very professional!

  2. Tiger,
    Thanks for your comment.

    Regarding your comment, I have some view on that, and will write a article on it. Please stay tuned.

    Coin Man

  3. 澳幣跌到 1 au = 7.54 hk 抵玩.

    1. Tiger,
      Yes, this monday just purchased 4 more PM coins:
      1 HR Kookaburra;
      1 HR Marathon Run; and
      2 Brisbane ANDA Coin Show Special - Dragon

  4. Brisbane ANDA Coin Show Special - Dragon

  5. Tiger,
    No need to daily check, go to PM and Then "SUBSCRIBE TO ENEWSLETTER", regular check your email account, then it is more easy.
